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B.Com (Hons.)

  • Bachelor of Commerce

    In recent times, business education has gained paramount importance because of the growth of industry, trade, and commerce, specifically, because of the money-driven economy we live in. The most important facet of business education is that it produces talent and inculcates self-discipline and self-restraint. Business is no more a one-man show. Rather it is a concourse of human organizations that animate and articulate their aspirations and ambitions. Those need to be recognized & taken care of, to protect human values. Business education aims at nurturing and developing this talent. Therefore, Birla Global University as the leading University for BCom in India offers a full-time B.Com. Program (3 years / 4 years) as per NEP 2020 guidelines, simultaneously offering the students to interact with industry experts to gain fast-hand knowledge of the ground reality. The entire curriculum has been so designed that it includes an ideal combination of domain knowledge, knowledge of Information Technology, and industry interface. Further, the Syllabus conforms with the UGC curriculum of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS).

  • Program Objectives

    The best BCom degree in India, offer by BGU which program is designed with the following objectives:

    • After completing four years for Bachelor in Commerce (Hons.), students would gain a thorough grounding in the functional areas of Commerce & Trade.
    • To create highly innovative competent professionals and self-employable.
    • To impart industry-needed skills, problem-solving, and decision-making competencies.
    • Developing the ability of students to apply various theoretical concepts to practical situations.
  • Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) – A General View

    The University Grants Commission (UGC) has initiated measures to bring equity, efficiency, and excellence to the higher education system in the country. This includes innovation and improvement in curriculum, teaching-learning process, examination and evaluation system besides governance and other matters. To ensure physical and digital mobility of students across the country the UGC has introduced the CBCS system to be implemented by all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the country. Specifically, the uniform Grading System is considered as a remarkable improvement over the conventional marks system. It ensures effective mobility of talent and also performance assessment by potential employers. The entire course structure has been so designed that it ideally combines courses namely Ability Enhancement Course (Compulsory) – AECC, Ability Enhancement Elective Course – Skill Enhancement Course- SEC, Generic Elective Course (Inter-Disciplinary), and Core Courses which conform with the CBCS system introduced by the UGC.

  • Program Outcomes (POs)
    Upon completion of the B.Com Degree program at one of the best universities for BCom in India, our graduates will be able to:
    • PO1: Develop an in-depth understanding of the functional areas of Business and Commerce.
    • PO2: Solve business problems analytically through critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • PO3: Navigate complex challenges using international concepts of accounting, finance, and business.
    • PO4: Foster research temper to identify problems and effective solutions.
    • PO5: Collaborate and communicate effectively for self-management and teamwork.
    • PO6: Maintain a high level of integrity through personal and intellectual connections to become a responsible citizen.
    • PO7: Apply professional and entrepreneurial skills in their careers with the specialized knowledge developed through practical training.
  • Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
    Completion of the B.Com Degree program at one of the top universities for BCom in India, our graduates will be able to:
    • PSO1: Prepare, analyze, and interpret financial statements using modern as well as traditional tools.
    • PSO2: Apply the knowledge of taxation laws, including income tax, GST, and other relevant taxes in real-world scenarios.
    • PSO3: Understand financial markets and be able to analyze various investment opportunities.
  • Why BGU?
    • The University has a state-of-the-art infrastructure with a fully equipped physical and digital library to meet the academic needs of the students.
    • The University has a team of highly talented faculty with an ideal combination of domain knowledge and industry interface.
    • The University facilitates the all-round development of its prime stakeholders through the provision of a Playground, Gym, and all other allied infrastructure.
    • The university offers 152 credits to B. Com (Hons.) designed as per the Learning Outcome-Based Curriculum framework proposed by UGC.
    • The University provides opportunities to its students to gain practical knowledge through industry interface.
    • The curriculum of the University ideally combines courses on Skill Enhancement, Ability Enhancement, Information Technology, and Core Courses.
    • The curriculum of the University is designed to enhance the employability of its prime stakeholders
    • The University provides career progression assistance during & on successful completion of the course.
  • Regulation

    The Bachelor of Commerce, under CBCS, a three-year full-time Degree Program, shall have six semesters as per the BCom Syllabus. After successful completion of the six semesters, a B.Com (Hons.) A degree with a specialization in Accounting / Finance or Management will be awarded to qualified students.

    Duration: As per NEP 2020 (National Education Policy 2020) guidelines, duration of the program is 3 years with 6 semesters. However duration of the Honours programme in B.Com is 4 years with 8 semesters. The odd semester is from July to December (i.e. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester) and the even semester is from January to June (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th semester). The examination will be held tentatively in the month of December and May for odd and even semesters.

    Span Period: No students shall be admitted as a candidate for the examination for any part/s or semester/s after the lapse of six years from the date of admission to the first semester of the B.Com(H) program

    Eligibility Criteria for Admission: The candidate should have passed +2 Examination of C.H.S.E., Odisha or its equivalent in any discipline with minimum 50% marks in aggregate. The selection would be based on the career and written test with equal weightage.

    Attendance: A student has to secure a minimum of 75% of attendance in each paper of a Semester to be permitted to sit for the Semester examination. In case a candidate is unable to acquire the stipulated attendance at the end of any Semester, he/she shall not be allowed to appear the end semester examination of that semester.


    The BCom Syllabus at our University is covered in the following class divisions:

    • Non-practical subjects of 100 marks with 6 credits – 50 lecture classes and 10 tutorial classes
    • Non-practical subjects of 100 marks with 4 credits – 30 lecture classes and 10 tutorial classes
    • Non-practical subjects of 50 marks with 2 credits – 20 lecture classes
    • Practical subject of 100 marks with 6 credits – 40 lecture classes and 20 practical classes.
    • The Practical subjects of 100 marks with 4 credits 25 – lecture classes 15 tutorial classes.
    • Practical subjects of 50 marks with 2 credits 10 lecture classes and 10 practical classes.

    Scheme of Examination:

    • Paper setting norms: Paper setting norms may be incorporated in the policy rules and details will be separately mentioned in ‘ Examination and Evaluation Policy ‘
    • Class Tests/Quizzes/Presentation: There shall be class tests/ quizzes/ presentation etc. for each paper carrying maximum of 10 marks – 5 marks for 100 – 50 marks paper respectively.
    • Mid Semester Examination: The duration of the examination will be of one hour and maximum marks will be 20 for a 100 marks paper and 10 for 50 marks paper. The concerned faculty member should ensure that the coverage prior to mid-sem examination is minimum first and second unit of the paper and the questions will be set from the covered units. The questions will be set in such a manner that to answer them knowledge of both the units will be required. If a candidate fails to appear or failed in the mid-sem examination, with the permission of the concerned course teacher he/she can appear at the compensatory mid-sem examination before the end semester examination. This would be held once only.
    • End Semester Examination: The end semester examination will be held on consecutive days. There will be one sitting per day. The duration of the examination will be 3 hours for a 70 marks and 2 hours for a 35 marks paper.
    • A paper having no practical shall consist of three components as
      (i) Mid-Semester Exam. 20%
      (ii) End-Semester Exam. 70%
      (iii) Continuous evaluation in term of class tests, quizzes, case study and class participation etc. 10%

      NB – However if the concerned teacher of a paper wants he/she can exercise his/her discretion with regard to conduct of mid-semester examination and continues evaluation.

      The papers having practical examinations shall consist of three components as :

      • Mid-Semester Exam.(Theory) 20 %
      • End-Semester exam. (Theory) 50 %
      • Practical Exam. 30 %
    • Odd semester examination (1st, 3rd , 5th ) shall be conducted in the month of December and Even semester (2nd , 4th ,6th ) shall be conducted the month of May.
    • The dates of examination shall be reflected in the Academic calendar.
    • A candidate has to secure at least 5 grade points both in theory and practical separately to pass the paper and 6 CGPA in aggregate in order to pass the examination.
    • Award of Distinction: Students securing 6 CGPA in first attempt shall be awarded B.Com(H) with Distinction. Distinction will not be awarded to candidates with back papers.
    • Conduct of Examination: English shall be the medium of instruction and examination.
    • Back/Repeat: A candidate who secures less than 5 grade points in individual paper in odd – even semester may appear the said paper in the following odd/even semester subject a maximum of two times with the span period of the course. However, if a candidate fails in the aggregate, he – she may appear in any paper of that semester to improve the aggregate subject to a maximum of two times within the span period.

    Evaluation System: The semester system of examination will have internal system of valuation with a Board for Conducting Examiners to pass the result.

    Publication of Results: The result will be published within one month from the date of last examination held.

    Grading System: Grade Mark Secured from 10 Points

    Performance Letter Grade Range of Marks Grade Point
    Outstanding ‘ O ‘ 90 – =< 100 10
    Excellent ‘ A+ ‘ 80 – < 90 9
    Very Good ‘ A ‘ 70 – < 80 8
    Good ‘ B+ ‘ 60 – < 70 7
    Above Average ‘ B ‘ 50 – < 60 6
    Average & Pass ‘ C ‘ 40 – < 50 5
    Failed ‘ F ‘ Below 40 0
    Absent ‘ Ab ‘ 0

    N.B. A Candidate has to secure 5 grade points to pass in each of the Papers A transitory letter grade I (carrying points 2) shall be introduced for cases where the results are incomplete. This grade shall automatically be converted into appropriate grade(s) as and when the results are complete. A student’s level of competence shall be categorized by a GRADE POINT AVERAGE to be specified as:

    SGPA – Semester Grade Point Average
    CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average
    (a) POINT – Integer equivalent of each letter grade
    (b) CREDIT – Integer signifying the relative emphasis of individual course item(s) in a semester as indicated by the Course structure and syllabus. In addition to the points, the actual mark secured shall also be reflected in the Grade Sheet / Transcript of Marksheet.

    After successfully completion of the six semester examination students will be awarded Bachelor Degree in Commerce (H) with specialization in Accounting / Finance / Management.

    (However, in case of Distinction, a student has to secure 50% of marks in six semesters in one / first chance)

    The regulation is subject to modification as and when necessary. The Syllabus shall remain valid from 2016-17 Admission Batch.

    Credit Transfer: There shall be a committee consisting of 3 experts from among the faculty of Schools to take appropriate decision on credit transfer in case of equivalent course.

    Unfair means in Examination: Any unfair means adopted by any examinee in any examination conducted by the University shall be punishable as per rules of the University.

    Common Grace Mark Rule: This rule shall be made applicable in case of those candidates who after receiving such grace clear the end-term examination. However, the maximum grace mark is restricted to 2% of the total marks of the semester examination, provided further that the grace mark in any paper shall not exceed 10% of the maximum marks in that subject.

  • Minimum Eligibility & Selection Criteria for Admission to B.Com(Hons.)

    Minimum Eligibility

    The Candidate should have passed 10+2 with a Minimum 50% mark or equivalent CGPA to pursue their BCom degree at our college which stands as the leading University for BCom in India. Candidates appearing in final examinations can also apply.

    Selection Criteria

    Students would be admitted to the program at our school of commerce based on merit (Percentage of marks secured in 10th and 10+2/12th Board Examination). Candidate may also be called for Personal Interview if so desired by the University.

  • Fee Structure

    Academic Fees for B.Com(Hons.)

    Course Fee per Semester (INR) No. of Semesters Total Course fee (INR)*
    B.Com(Hons.) 70,000 6 4,20,000

    *Additional Information

    • Includes Medical Insurance: ₹3000/- for Annum, #General Security Rs10,000/- (general security amount is refundable on completion of Program subject to clearance), ^One Time Registration Fee ₹15,000/- (non-refundable).
    • Students having higher percentage throughout career will be eligible for scholarship
    • Students are required to maintain consistency in percentage to avail scholarship.

    Hostel (Optional)
    Lodging & Boarding expenses (Subject to revision)
    Double Occupancy (In Campus)

    Installments Odd Semester Installment Even Semester Installment
    Due Date 15th June 15th Dec
    Lodging (A/C Accommodation) Rs. 38,720.00 Rs. 38,720.00
    Boarding Rs. 39,600.00 Rs. 39,600.00
    Laundry Rs. 3,600 Rs. 3,600
    Total Charges Rs. 81,920.00 Rs. 81,920.00

    Triple Occupancy (In Campus)

    Installments Odd Semester Installment Even Semester Installment
    Due Date 15th June 15th Dec
    Lodging (A/C Accommodation) Rs. 34,320.00 Rs. 34,320.00
    Boarding Rs. 39,600 Rs. 39,600
    Laundry Rs. 3,600 Rs. 3,600
    Total Charges Rs. 77,520.00 Rs. 77,520.00


    • Hostel-registration fee of INR 10,000 at the time of registration
    • Student should preserve this schedule for timely payment of fees to avoid penalty for late fee deposition.
    • No notice or reminder will be sent to student or his/her parents.
    • No separate letter will be issued for Bank Education Loan.
    • Demand Draft should be made in the name of “BIRLA GLOBAL UNIVERSITY” Payable at Bhubaneswar.
    • To pay online Click here