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National Service Scheme (NSS)

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National Service Scheme (NSS)

About The Program

The National Service Scheme (NSS) at Birla Global University Bhubaneswar is institutionalized under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India. NSS is a voluntary and value-based student youth program with the motto – “NOT ME BUT YOU.”

Vision and Mission

The NSS program at Birla Global University (BGU) aims to motivate students to transform into a sect of progressive citizens by indulging them in nation-building activities and developing social and humanitarian skills. The program functions with a mission to encourage diversity and inclusiveness with the following objectives by undertaking the university’s core values as Honesty & Integrity, Empathy, Transparency, Freedom, Respect, and Collaboration.


  • To identify, understand and help in solving the needs and problems of the community.
  • To develop a sense of civic and social responsibility.
  • To develop competence required for group-living, sharing of responsibilities, cooperative attitude, and leadership quality.
  • To gain skills in mobilizing community participation.
  • To develop the capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters.
  • To practice National Integration and Social Harmony.

In coordination with faculty mentors, advisors, and other intellects at BGU, student volunteers plan, execute and manage different activities through events and projects to address various community issues. They disseminate their concerns and care to mitigate their socially responsible behaviour by benefiting people in and around BGU Bhubaneswar.

About NSS

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is a Central Sector Scheme of the Government of India, Managed by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports. It provides an opportunity to the student youth of technical institutions, Graduate & Post Graduate at colleges and university level of India to participate in various community service activities & programs. The sole aim of the NSS is to provide hands-on experience to young students in delivering community services and transform them into responsible citizens. For details, visit (

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the program, volunteers will be able to:

  • Transform into progressive citizens.
  • Indulge in nation-building activities.
  • Practice social and humanitarian skills.
  • Understand and find sustainable solutions for social problems.
  • Develop a social perspective of learning and build leadership skills

Administrative Structure

The administrative structure of NSS BGU constitutes a committee of faculty and staff members as given below.

  • Dr. Siddharth Misra (Member)
  • Dr. Snigdha Mohapatra, Asst. Professor (Member)
  • Prof. Lopamudra Nayak (Member)
  • Prof. Suresh K. Golle, Asst. Professor (Member)
  • Ms. Ashna Siddiqui, Academic Associate (Member)
  • Mr. Ajay Kumar Mohapatra, Asst. Registrar (Member)
  • Asst. Director, Sports (Member)
  • Dr. Suvendu Kumar Pratihari, Asst. Professor (Program Officer & Convener)

Other teaching non-teaching staff are associated with the NSS BGU at various levels.

Scope of Program Implementation

Areas Specific Focus
Education Adult literacy, pre-school education, continuing education of school drop-outs, legal literacy, consumer awareness, entrepreneurial education, programs on eradicating social evils, etc.
Health and Wellbeing Immunisation, blood donation, blood grouping, health education, family welfare programs; Awareness of critical diseases like AIDS, Cancer, etc.; Working with people in nutrition and hygene programs; Making provision for safe drinking water, life skill education, etc.
Environment Conservation Plantation of trees and their preservation/ upkeep; cleaning and maintenance of streets, drains, etc.; Construction of sanitary latrines, watershed management, soil conservation etc.
Social Service Programs Work in hospitals, institutions for disabled people, orphanages, old-age homes, women welfare institutions, etc.
Programs for improving the status of Women Awareness generation regarding women’s rights, creating awareness among women regarding how they can contribute to the social and economic well-being of the community, imparting skill training to women wherever possible.
Production oriented Programs Working with people and teaching them about improved agriculture practices, soil testing, repair of agriculture machinery, assistance and guidance in animal resource development, promoting small savings and financial literacy, assistance n procuring bank loans, etc.
Relief and Rehabilitation during Natural Calamities Assisting and working with local authorities in rescue and relief operation, distribution of rations, medicines, clothing, immunisation and inoculation, etc.

Note: Looking at the present COVID 19 pandemic, the program focuses on two broad areas of India’s Sustainable Development Goals, such as “Education” and “Health and Wellbeing.” However, the scope of the focus areas may be expanded by looking at the needs/ demands of the communities and the sponsoring agencies.

Voluntary Contributions

The NSS units at BGU operate with a self-financing model. Therefore, we must also admit that the efforts require funds to keep the mission moving towards the objective. Therefore, voluntary donations and sponsorship for executing different projects are highly solicited from Corporate Houses, Govt. and Non-Governmental agencies, and individual levels.


The NSS BGU intends to collaborate with corporate houses, NGOs, and other agencies at the national and global levels to mobilize their concerns into action with the help of the NSS volunteers at the local level.


Become a volunteer (Applicable to students of BGU):
Become a donor (Applicable to all)


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