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Placement Policy & Rules

Policy and Rules for Final Placement and Summer Training

Placement Assistance

  • Support for Final Placement and Summer Internship is provided by the university to students. This activity is done under the aegis of the Centre for Corporate Relations (CCR). Periodically, students are advised through the students’ group mail ID as well as through the CCR Notice Board about summer/final placement opportunities. Students are advised to be on the lookout for relevant information about summer internships as well as final placement.
  • Students should be aware that actual placements depend upon the general economic and industry scenario, the academic and non-academic competencies including good soft skills competency developed by each student as well as the cultural fit of a student vis-a-vis the company, as determined by the recruiters.
  • While every effort will be made to enable each student to compete effectively for various positions offered by companies, the actual conversion of the opportunity into a concrete placement is the sole responsibility of the student. The university, therefore, does not guarantee that a particular student will be placed for final or summer internship irrespective of the student’s performance parameters.
  • The major components of the placement (summer or final) process, generally speaking, are Written/Online Test, G.D, Personal Interview, Personality Profiling etc. Apart from thorough domain knowledge, recruiters expect students to be updated on current affairs on national and international developments, especially those affecting the economy and the impact of such issues on the industry or business for which the recruitment is taking place (the ability to connect the dots).
  • The recruiter expects to see the depth of understanding, analytical skills and originality in student responses, whether it be GD or Personal Interview. Needless to add that a good CGPA and proficiency in some extracurricular activity such as active club participation will be a very valuable add-on for the student. Students should try to upgrade themselves through extensive reading, especially of financial and general newspapers, besides the study of the course curriculum. Last but not the least, they are required to upgrade by regularly attending the class Lectures, Guest Lectures, Workshops and Seminars organized by BGU to provide value to future employers.
  • Students are supposed to keep in mind that the companies are looking for proactive, energetic, diligent, well-rounded personalities who have indisputable integrity. The students should keep in mind that the recruiter likes to consider the candidates who are genuinely interested and highly motivated for the job being offered. The students need to exhibit the above attributes through their verbal and non-verbal communication and positive attitude. BGU will encourage and assist all students to emerge as credible brands in their own right who are sought after by the corporates.

Policy, Rules and Code of Conduct

  • Transparency, fairness and equal opportunity for all students is the policy of BGU and are the hallmarks of the placement process at BGU.
  • Whenever a company proposes to conduct a recruitment process, it sends a mail confirming the date of the interview, which would be displayed on the notice board as well as in the students ‘group ID. All eligible students must give their names to the Centre for Corporate Relations (CCR).
  • When a company confirms recruitment drive, all eligible students must attend the interview process. If any eligible student is not attending consecutively two recruitment processes, then that student will be automatically debarred from the final placement process.
  • Once a student gets short-listed by the recruiter after going through the process of GD, written test etc. he or she cannot, on any account, withdraw from the process of that company either in the mid-process or after the process. The student violating the above norm will be debarred from the subsequent placement process.
  • If any student deliberately underperforms or participate in an unprofessional manner during a recruitment drive, those students will be debarred from any two placement drives by the discretion of CCR.
  • It will be the responsibility of the students to be extra careful in maintaining the basic decorum, discipline and decency at the time when the company representatives are on the campus for placement-related activities or when they participate in the processes at the company’s premises. Any student found wilfully violating these instructions will be liable for punitive measures.
  • Students found improperly dressed will not be allowed for any placement activities.
  • Once a student is selected by the campus process after for final or summer placement, he/she cannot avail of any more placement opportunities through the campus process subsequently.
  • Students appearing for placement are expected to report on time for the process and come well prepared by going through relevant literature such as the company website, company’s publicity material etc. They should be well-groomed in western formals with leather shoes and tie.
  • Not more than 7 (seven) attempts can be availed of by any student for the final placement process.
  • Students are not allowed to establish any kind of direct communication with the representative of the company. Questions can only be raised during a presentation by the representative of the company. If any clarifications are needed beyond the recruiter’s presentation, the student may approach CCR for this.
  • Requirements of the company will be taken care of by the concerned members of the placement/hospitality group while they are at BGU premises or long distance. Any communication to be sent to the company has to be directed through CCR only.
  • Students are advised not to do anything directly or indirectly which may create a poor impression about the University. Any student found disregarding any of the norms may be liable for disciplinary action.
  • Non-compliance by students of any activity organized by the University in the interest of placements will be considered as an act of misconduct. Students found involved in such activities may be debarred from placement assistance. The decision of the CCR will be final in this regard.
  • Students are advised to abide by the final short-listing done by the company according to their own needs and criteria which shall not be called into question by any student either individually or by raising questions about this. Violation of this rule will lead to the debarment of the student from the process. The queries from students during the Pre Placement Talks should be aimed at clarifying job profile, compensation etc.
  • Students can neither question the recruiter for the short-listing done nor demand an explanation from the CCR for the recruitment.
  • CCR reserves the right to modify or introduce new rules, as and when required.

Summer Internship

Objectives of the Summer Internship

  • The aim is to enable students to transfer their analytical, integrative, team play etc. skills honed in the classroom to the workplace, as well as to understand the complexities of the corporate world first hand. Following are the objectives of the Summer Internship:
  • To train students to focus on a selected topic/field (micro and not macro themes) using quantitative/qualitative measurement tools to organize and analyze data while intensely focusing on the topic to arrive at a conclusion about the issue or problem
  • To provide opportunities for networking with people who matter in industry/corporates/ organizations
  • To aim at the acquisition of pre-placement offers wherever feasible and appropriate
  • Recruiters attach great significance to the Summer Internship Project Report in the final placement interview and in-depth questions about it can be expected. Hence, the Project Report should be perceived as a critical tool which signals a student’s potential to the recruiter. BGU expects every student to take this activity seriously and turn in an excellent Project Report at the end of the internship which may enhance the student’s chances of placement


Duration of the summer training project will be for two months, normally from 15 April to 15 June. Students should aim at working with companies, institutions or startups that provide challenging learning opportunities rather than make their decision based on hometown convenience or stipend.

Summer Internship Workshop

An interactive workshop for two days will be held on the campus usually March/ April to give detailed guidelines and a roadmap to students on the nitty-gritty of summer projects, the dos and don’ts etc. Students will also have occasion to interact with executives from corporates in the workshop. They will be told as to what is expected of them during their internship, the needs of the industry etc. Resource Book in two volumes containing detailed guidelines on SIP will be distributed in the workshop. Attendance will be compulsory in all the sessions of Workshops. Those found absent will face the penalty of deduction of 5 marks per session from the total SIP marks.

Faculty Allocation, Reporting & Supervision

  • Before the finalization of a particular faculty as the academic mentor, students should submit one A4 size page note to the mentor as a Synopsis with the proposed area of research, intent and objective of the summer project. The academic mentor would approve being the mentor if he/she is satisfied with the student’s submission after assessing the potential learning opportunity and commitment of the student. Students should give their write-ups well in time so that the mentor has adequate opportunity to go through them.
  • Students are advised to access BGU’s Knowledge Portal (see website) as well as TATTVA for guidance on model Summer Project Report.
  • Students are free to choose any faculty from the domain area of the project from amongst the BGU faculty (including the adjunct faculty) as their academic guide/mentor.
  • Not more than 10 students can register under one faculty as a mentor for the Summer Internship. The date from which Summer Internship can be registered with a faculty mentor will be announced by the CCR. The basis of selection will be ‘first come, first served’ if more than 10 students apply for the registration under one faculty mentor. (The aim is to provide adequate attention to each student.)
  • The intern will arrange for a telephonic discussion between the industry mentor and the academic mentor before the finalization of the project topic and the title of the project. The student is expected to be in telephonic contact with the academic mentor at least two to three times a month.
  • The faculty mentor will make at least one visit to the workplace of the student for a meeting with the industry mentor to review the progress made by the student and also to build up a long-term relationship between BGU and the company.
  • On a random basis, at least one completed project report per academic mentor will be entrusted to an external expert for detailed scrutiny to assess the overall quality of the project report.
  • The CCR department circulates dates scheduled for the different processes as well as the date for the submission of the final report well in advance, which students should adhere to.