Placement Procedure & Policy
The following is the excerpt of the BGU Placement Plocy.
- Transparency, fairness and equal opportunity for all students are the policy ofBGU and are the hallmarks of the placement process at BGU.
- Whenever a company proposes to conduct a recruitment process, it sends amail confirming the date of the interview, which would be displayed on thenotice board as well as in the students ‘group email ID. All eligible studentsmust give their names to the Centre for Corporate Relations (CCR).
- When a company confirms the recruitment drive, all eligible students mustattend the interview process. If any eligible student is not attendingconsecutively two recruitment processes, then that student will beautomatically debarred from the final placement process.
- Once a student gets short-listed by the recruiter after going through theprocess of GD, Written test etc. he or she cannot, on any account, withdrawfrom the process of that company either in the mid-process or after theprocess. The student violating the above norm will be debarred from thesubsequent placement process.
- If any student deliberately underperforms or participates in an unprofessionalmanner during a recruitment drive, those students will be debarred from anytwo placement drives at the discretion of CCR.
- It will be the responsibility of the students to be extra careful in maintainingbasic decorum, discipline and decency at the time when the companyrepresentatives are on the campus for placement-related activities or whenthey participate in the processes at the company’s premises. Any studentfound willfully violating these instructions will be liable for punitive measures.
- Not more than seven attempts can be availed of by any student for the final
placement process.
- Students are not allowed to establish any kind of direct communication with
the representative of the company. Questions can only be raised during a
presentation by the representative of the company. If any clarifications are
needed beyond the recruiter’s presentation, the student may approach CCR
for this.
- Requirements of the company will be taken care of by the concerned
members of the placement/hospitality group during the recruitment process.
Any communication to be sent to the company has to be directed through
CCR only.
- Students are advised not to do anything directly or indirectly which may
create a poor impression about the University. Any student found disregarding
any of the norms may be liable for disciplinary action.
- Non-compliance by students with any activity organized by the University in
the interest of placements will be considered as an act of misconduct.
Students found involved in such activities may be debarred from placement
assistance. The decision of the CCR will be final in this regard.
- Students are advised to abide by the final short-listing done by the company
according to their own needs and criteria which shall not be called into
question by any student either individually or by raising questions about this.
Violation of this rule will lead to the debarment of the student from the
process. During Pre-Placement Talk(PPT), queries from students should be
aimed at clarifying job profiles, compensation etc.
- Students cannot question the short-listing done by the recruiter or CCR as per
the recruiters’ instructions.